

Michel Armengaud

Michel Armengaud

L'Atlantide : mythe ou réalité ?

Why a book about Atlantis?
I have been fascinated by the mystery of Atlantis for quite some time. To begin with, I thought it was simply a myth, but after reading Timaeus and Critias my outlook changed completely. At a time when the map of the world stopped at the strait of Gibraltar, Plato offered an exact description of the Atlantic Ocean as well as that of islands reached before the immense content beyond it. These islands were none other than those of the Caribbean and the continent in question was America. He also highlighted the minor proportions of the Mediterranean in comparison with the immensity of this Ocean. How was Plato able to write such a description of the Atlantic world when we’re led to believe that America wasn’t discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492! This is what gave me the distinct impression that the Egyptian source of information, which Plato drew upon, was a reliable one. I decided to write this book in a bid to reflect on and lend credibility to Plato’s theory.

What difficulties did you encounter in trying to write this book?

The main challenge, was selecting the most reliable documents in order to provide information that was both concise and credible. As thousands of works have been written on Atlantis, I had to prioritise information which carried more weight with regards to tradition and science. My choice was guided by the interpretation of what is understood by the term “advanced civilisation”. By analysing the conclusion Plato reaches, I avoid focusing too heavily on technological development. What would have taken Atlantis to its peak was Wisdom, for as long as the Atlanteans respected the divine order they were blessed with prosperity. I therefore concentrated on the arguments which supported this theory.
On a personal level, what interests you most about Atlantis? What interests me the most is researching civilisations which have retained the legacy of the wisdom of Atlantis. This is why I opted for two main fields: Ancient Egypt and megalithic civilization. These two fields provide me with both an insight into the wisdom of Atlantis through Ancient Egypt, and also the legacy of the survivors of the cataclysm through megalithic architecture. As it is worth remembering, that according to Critias, once it reached its peak this civilisation went into decline, once “human nature” took hold, and wealth became a burden.

What are the main similarities between Atlantis and our modern world?

Unfortunately, I don’t see many similarities between the two civilisations, as while Atlantis was the embodiment of wisdom, it would be difficult to say as much of our rampantly materialistic society. If the loss of wisdom was the main cause of Atlantis’ downfall, it could serve as a cautionary tale for humanity which today finds itself at a crossroads between: “Living well” or “having a lot”!

What are the main differences between Atlantis and our modern world?

It is difficult to pinpoint specific differences as to do so we would need to know about the lives of the men and women of Atlantis. Where this civilisation is concerned, we only have the information provided by Plato, but we have to recognise the fact that his description is part myth. In as much as megalithic civilisation and Ancient Egypt provide reflections of this civilisation, they bear witness to geometric, astronomical and especially symbolic knowledge. However, above all else, these civilisations applied their knowledge to the service of spirituality. Both megalithic and Egyptian sacred architecture is certainly the work of an organised, and definitely hierarchical, society: men and women capable of pooling their abilities in the pursuit of the same ideal. It is therefore down to each of us to identify the differences with our world where values have become inverted: man was created to be loved and things to be used... Nowadays it is far too often true that things are loved and man is used. Our civilisation has certainly surpassed the scientific and technological level of Atlantis, but we are undoubtedly a long way off the social and spiritual evolution they reached at the peak of their civilisation.

In your opinion, was Atlantis a real civilisation? Do you think traces of it can still be seen today?
I think that Atlantis really was a civilisation, and its traces can be seen in Egypt and within megalithic civilisation. The most adventurous architectural creations have stood the test of time and speak to the value that the sacred held for that civilisation. Both of these types of architecture required a society capable of pulling together.

Do you think that today there are “descendants” of Atlantis out there anywhere?

If we accept the principle of reincarnation, then it follows that the men and women of that era must have been reincarnated to continue their spiritual evolution over the centuries or even millennia. So, there's no reason to rule out the idea that the men and women of the XXI Century could be former Atlanteans.

Do you think that one day, science might solve the mystery of Atlantis?
I believe that science, and particularly underwater archaeology, will enable us to lift the veil on a submerged civilisation, as long as any such discoveries are not kept secret. While our civilisation is introducing an element of decadence to the ethical and spiritual plain due to its excessive materialism and secularism, we should remain aware of a certain evolution of awareness which is currently taking shape and gathering pace. The media prefers noise; what is good is obscured, but the words of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin are worth remembering: good doesn't make noise, and noise doesn't do any good... I think that mankind’s spiritual evolution will become increasingly oriented towards cognitive disciplines for the benefit of the development of our intuitive faculties which may in turn mean archaeology is able to resolve the mystery. In particular, I am thinking about the discovery and unlocking of new chambers in the pyramid of Cheops.

What is the message you are trying to get across with this book?

I hope to play my part in the restoration of the thread of the history of humanity, as I believe that the civilisation of Atlantis represents the missing link between Cro-Magnon man and the Egyptian as well as megalithic civilisations and also, in all likelihood, that of the Central American pre-Incas... The Cro-Magnon man of western Europe also reached a certain level of development as evidenced by cave paintings (Altamira – Lascaux - Chauvet – Niaux…). They likely followed Herodotus’ second route in order to cross the strait of Gibraltar. The pre-Atlanteans must have followed Herodotus’ third route, via the Canaries, in order to reach the mysterious continent whose mild climate would have enabled their development. However, above all else, I hope for this book to contribute to a reinvigoration of Plato's accounts.

Notes on the author:
Date and place of birth: 5 May 1945, Toulouse

Education and qualifications: Mathematical Baccalaureate – Merchant Navy training school to acquire the Master Mariner certificate of competency. Long-haul shipping for 12 years then Marine Pilot in the port of Sète for 22 years. Biblical and theological studies qualifications obtained at the Toulouse Theology Faculty

Previously published works:

L’Atlantide, mythe ou réalité – Diffusion rosicrucienne.

Le pèlerinage à Compostelle, une quête spirituelle – Diffusion rosicrucienne.

Orcival trésor médiéval – Éditions Aigle botté – Collection Traversées



Golden grass (Capim dourado) is a unique grass, with a white flower on a golden stalk. It is found in the Jalapao region in Brazil, in the state of Tocantins in the heart of Brazil. When the stalks of the plant reach maturity and become golden in colour, they are then harvested. This takes place between September and November only in order to protect the grass, because the Brazilians take great care in preserving their heritage. The people living in the villages near to the territory weave the plant using the traditional methods. A small French company has decided to enhance this magnificent plant.

The Legend

Legend has it that in the 15th century, the last Inca king, Atahualpa, had to hide the Inca treasure in a secret place, on account of the Spanish conquest of South America that was raging at that time. 

 Atahualpa asked for his treasure to be transformed into gold powder and entrusted to the wind god who, with one puff, sent it towards a little-known plain of Brazil and returned it to the mother earth, the Pachamama. Thus a unique plant was brought into being in Amazonia.


Philosophy and values

The small French company that imports this golden grass works hand in hand with the local craftspeople, and insists on contributing to the preservation and development of this exceptional craft.  It is committed to the four following fundamental points:

    - Ethical respect

    - Regulatory respect

     - Commercial respect

     - Esthetic respect

It is thus committed to the pursuit of respectful relationships with local craftspeople and their working conditions.  Exportation norms are also complied with thanks to the absence of toxic metals in the materials used for clasps, that are guaranteed cadmium, nickel and lead free.  The commitment of this small company extends to quality control that respects the manufacture of the products.  The jewellery is made under the supervision of local craftspeople.  



It seems that since our earliest days, humankind has been subject to the influence exerted by plants through their forms, colours and scents. Perhaps it was the sight of sap flowing from trees which first inspired people with the idea of a vital energy which could be taken on by breathing its smoke as it burned.

The first known use of aromatics is mentioned in an inscription dating back to the eleventh Egyptian dynasty, when king Sankhara sent an expedition searching for them as far as the shores of the Red Sea and the land of Punt, modern day Ethiopia.

Among Semitic communities, the use of incense was also very widespread. It was produced using various types of scented wood, such as Cypress, myrtle, cedar and herbs.

In the Priestly code of the Israelites, Yahweh himself detailed its use: “You shall build an altar for the burning of incense... Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense”.

Throughout the centuries, almost all religions have incorporated the use of plants into their rites; incense, a resin as precious as gold, embodied all the values associated with sacred functions: after all, did the Magi not offer it to the Infant-King of Bethlehem?

Therefore, over time, at every stage of his life man was accompanied by wisps of incense smoke floating towards the heavens, which came to symbolise the link between the visible and the invisible.



Initially, the word incense was used to refer to the resin-like substance produced by an Ethiopian tree, olibanum, also known as “Boswellia Carteri”.

Nowadays, it can be used to describe a mixture of resins and plant oils which are charred to produce small granules which, when burnt over a hot coal, give off their particular aroma.

Most forms of incense have an olibanum, myrrh or benzoin base, which is mixed with other aromatics. Nevertheless, the quantities and exact composition are not widely known, the recipe remaining a closely guarded secret.

Once soaked in perfumes and oils, these resins can also be rolled up in one way or another, around a piece of bamboo, to create what are referred to as sticks.



In times of Antiquity, incense always featured among the offerings most frequently found on altars. The word incense is transcribed in Egyptian as “Sen Netjer”, a term meaning “to make divine”. Wisps of incense smoke drifting towards the heavens seemed to carry with them the thoughts of the officiator to the heavenly kingdom.

Incense is traditionally categorised on the basis of its relationship with the four elements (Earth, Water, Air and Fire), but also on the basis of astrology: each plant (and its resin) capturing and embodying specific planetary influences.

For each and every one of us, incense can become the means through which spiritual alchemy operates, enabling our inner self to direct prayer and praise towards the heavenly plain.

Before being used, incense should therefore be selected with care, the choice depending on the properties it possesses and the effects its scent has on us.



Granulated and powder incense 

  •              Take a piece of charcoal (or half depending on the size of the room)
  •              Light the coal, placing it in a ventilated, stemmed, brass container to avoid damaging any furniture.
  •              Wait until the entire surface of the coal is glimmering with sparks.
  •              Then place a small pinch of incense on the coal. It should start to give off smoke.
  •              We recommend not using too much incense to avoid smothering the coal or an excessive amount of smoke.


Rosicrucian incense cubes 

  •              This incense does not require the use of coal.
  •              Take a cube and light its edge.
  •              Put out the flame after around 30 to 40 seconds. The piece of incense will continue to burn by itself.
  •              To completely extinguish a cube, gently crush the edge which is burning. It can then be reused at a later date.


Incense sticks

  •              Take a stick. Light its tip.
  •              Put out the flame after around 10 seconds.
  •              To stop it from burning further, gently crush the end of the stick.
Dr Bach’s floral elixirs

Dr Bach’s floral elixirs

What are Dr Bach’s floral elixirs?

In 1930, Dr Edward Bach, doctor, homeopath and bacteriologist, decided to dedicate his research to the energies of the plant world. He was convinced that good health was the product of mental and spiritual harmony.

He discovered the existence of a link between certain plants and certain mental states: fear and apprehension, uncertainty and indecision, solitude, disinterest in the present moment, sensitivity to outside influences, despondency and hopelessness, excessive concern when responsible for others, etc.

He thus formulated 38 floral elixirs to help people overcome the kind of mental unrest and emotional imbalances that undermine personal growth.

Dr Bach created his elixirs using flowers that had been soaked in spring water and which he left exposed to the sun’s powerful rays. The water would take on the beneficial powers built up over time by the plant.


How to choose the best floral elixirs for you

The first thing you must do is identify the emotion you are experiencing. This is something that can be done alone or with the help of a friend or relative.

Once you have identified the emotion, consult the list of Bach’s Flowers and decide which best addresses your needs and will help you re-discover harmony.

Bach’s Flowers are not harmful. They can be used by anyone, irrespective of their age or health condition. Your personality, temperament, concerns and behaviour are all sources of information which can be used to guide your choice of elixir. With time, positive feelings will replace negative emotions or symptoms.


Some example uses of Dr Bach’s floral elixirs

A professional problem?

Gentian to respond to doubt and discouragement

Star of Bethlehemwhen faced with unforeseen change.



Olive for extreme physical or mental fatigue.

Vervain for anyone who is driven by an intense enthusiasm which prevents them from relaxing.

Centaury for those who are reluctant to impose limits on themselves and are unable to say no.


An exam or driving test to sit?

Larchfor a lack of self-confidence or a fear of failure.

Emergency rescue to aid relaxation in the moments just before a test.


A separation?

Honeysuckle to help gain a feeling of detachment from the past.

Willow to forget grudges or feelings of injustice.

Walnut to help you confront any doubts associated with a period of change.


Trouble sleeping?

Rock Rose for nightmares.

White Chestnut for obsessive thoughts which you are unable to shake off.

Agrimonyfor the concerns which keep us awake at night.



How are floral elixirs used?

Are the causes of your emotions recent or long-standing?

  •              If they are recent, use the floral elixirs directly by placing 4 drops below the tongue, 4 times a day. Repetition over time is more effective than one large dose.
  •              If the causes are long-standing, use the floral elixirs in diluted form. Pour still mineral water, a teaspoon of cognac or fruit vinegar to help preserve your mixture, along with 2 to 5 drops of the chosen elixir or elixirs into a 30ml dropper bottle. To be taken in 4-drop doses 4 times a day. Here again, the frequency is more important than the quantity.


How many elixirs can be taken and for how long?

Taking more than 6 elixirs at the same time is not recommended. It is always advisable to prioritise the elixirs which seem best suited to your current situation. Switching, stopping or resuming elixir poses no difficulty whatsoever.

As for the duration, that’s entirely up to you. A single dose might be enough to overcome your problem. But you may also need to prolong the use of a floral elixir for a period of several days, or even weeks. Your feelings will be your best guide.


Floral elixirs for animals and plants

Generally speaking, animals and plants react more quickly than humans to Dr Bach’s therapy. The elixir should be chosen following observation of the plant or animal’s behaviour.

Some examples for animals

 Heatherfor dogs which bark for no reason.

 Chicory for an animal which craves continuous attention.

 Mimulus for an anxious animal

 Emergency rescue for infections, accidents, bruises, fractures…



A few drops mixed into food or diluted into a drink, or placed directly into the animal’s mouth. For a compress, add 6 drops to a litre of water, soak the compress and apply to the injury.


Some examples for plants

Hornbeam to boost growth.

Olive for plants which seem drained or fatigued.

Crab Apple to combat parasites.

Walnut to help a freshly cut flower adapt to its new environment.

Wild Rose to preserve cut flowers for longer.

Emergency rescue to protect plants or flowers from the harmful effects of their environment.



Place between 5 and 10 drops in the water used for the plant or directly into the water cut flowers are kept in. Use emergency rescue as a base for any treatment and add whichever of Bach’s flowers corresponds to the particular situation.


Product quality - Our commitment

The company Jacques David has been awarded the “Nature and Progress” organic label, guaranteeing the quality of the entirety of the products used to produce its elixirs and cream. It remains faithful to the production techniques developed by Dr Edward Bach himself. Furthermore, it works in collaboration with the organisation “Friends of Dr Bach”, which ensures respect for the approach which Dr Bach wished to be the hallmark of his method.

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Its production - Its mystical use

Golden grass      (Capim Dourado)

Golden grass (Capim Dourado)

A unique grass on a golden stalk