
Voyage aux confins de la conscience

Voyage into the confines of consciousness

This book opens the door to unexplored faculties of human consciousness

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Voyage aux confins de la conscience

Voyage aux confins de la conscience

This book opens the door to unexplored faculties of human consciousness

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For ten years, a scientist and psychotherapist studied the case of a young man, Nicolas Fraisse, who was able to travel through his mind’s eye, to “see” what has happening a long distance away and to “hear” thoughts in a spontaneous and involuntary manner. This book relates their encounters and the increasingly complex experiences Nicolas Fraisse underwent. Through his case, phenomena as puzzling as out of body experiences or decorporation, remote viewing and telepathy are explored... Are these a matter of hallucinations or an as yet unknown capability of consciousness? Sylvie Dethiollaz and Claude Charles Fourrier, specialists in altered states of consciousness, explore all possible hypotheses, both the scientific and psychological. Their book opens the door to as yet unexplored faculties of human consciousness: the study of out of body experiences, such as near-death experiences, revealing that consciousness is omnipresent and that our brain seems to function as a sort of receptor drawing on this gigantic reservoir of information to connect us to different possible levels of consciousness.

Table of contents

A particular day
First period (2006): The encounter: Martigues - The “OBE” project - The difficulty of finding candidates - First impressions - An ordinary young man with extraordinary capabilities - The importance of psychological supervision - When “incomprehension” means “suffering” - An almost perfect shield.
Second period (first semester 2007): Exploring the phenomenon: Experiences as old as humanity - OBEs “on demand” - A completely polymorphous phenomenon - The “vortex” effect - Disconcerting anecdotes. Between dreams and reality - “Seeing” without one's eyes - Consciousness which can split - A “double blind” procedure.
Third period (second semester 2007-2008): The experiments: Appearance of new capabilities - First conclusive results - Development of “remote viewing” - Development of “telepathy” - And what about ethics in all of this? - The experience of the “dark” - When the serpent fire awakens - The weight of a soul.
Fourth period (2009-2011): Even more baffling experiences: Voyage into the cosmos - A cross in the vortex - The strange phenomenon of “incorporations” - The experience of a compassionate state - Towards a more and more subtle dimension.
Fifth period (2012-2013): Back to the tests: A change of tack - Preparation of the experience - When the irrational encroaches on the scientific field! - Dialogues with an angel - Voices and men.
Sixth period (2014-2015): Visualising an OBE in the brain: Recent evolution - An unsuitable definition - A cat as proof.
Conclusion: The end of materialism: A human adventure - The enigma of consciousness - What is reality? - Consciousness in light of physics - The OBE, a simple change of frequency? - Towards changing the paradigm.
Epilogue: The era of consciousness?
Annex: Preparation of images for the experience of clairvoyance.


Number of pages
Type of book
16 x 24

Sprit - Conscience

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